
New California Laws That Could Impact You

With the New Year upon us, it's important to understand and be aware of the new legislation. Well-over a dozen new laws have been introduced in California and signed into law by the Governor. Some of the key changes to be aware of include... Assembly Bill 12 - Firearms: gun violence restraining orders "The law expands who can petition a judge to confiscate someone’s weapons if they believe that person [...]

2020-03-10T15:55:26+00:00By |

Federal Agents Cannot Force You To Open Your Phone

Can police force people to unlock a mobile phone with a face or finger? Before this month the answer would have been "yes." But a decision by a California judge in a recent decision will protect people's privacy from police searches. Before this ruling by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California police had been allowed to force suspects to unlock devices such as phones with biometrics, [...]

2020-03-10T15:55:26+00:00By |

Important DUI Law Changes Coming Soon

January 2019 Law Changes Require Ignition Interlock Devices New laws will require that a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (IID) be installed for all DUI offenses. This device is like a breathalyzer for your vehicle. It requires the driver to blow into the mouthpiece before the car can be started. Here's the full story. As of January 1, 2019, changes to California’s DUI laws went into effect under Senate Bill 1046. Here’s [...]

2020-03-10T15:55:26+00:00By |

You Got Arrested For DUI. Now What?

You know that driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is illegal. And you know that is irresponsible and dangerous. A DUI is a serious charge and getting arrested for it is stressful and challenging. Here’s what you need to know about the process of getting arrested for a DUI and how to navigate our way through it. Cooperation Is Key Cooperate with the officer. When the red lights [...]

2020-03-10T15:55:26+00:00By |

Six Steps To Follow If You Are Arrested

Being arrested is traumatic. But understanding how the system works will put you in a much better position to avoid incarceration and prove your innocence. The time to figure out how to respond to your arrest is now, before you find yourself in the situation. Here are a few basic guidelines that will make the process easier for you and, importantly, help you to avoid mistakes that can make your [...]

2020-03-10T15:55:26+00:00By |